Monday, October 18, 2010

DWTS Week 4 (In A Nutshell): Somebody To Love

Hey, remember the good old days of this blog when I was at BYU, and I could barely catch DWTS live, much less find time to recap it? Well, this week wasn't like that. But somehow, last week's recaps (for both the results and the performance night) have ended up being jumbled into one lightning-quick post that I'm starting about 10 minutes before Week 5 performance night starts. (TV themes! Wonder how it will turn out...) Without any further ado, let's jump (quickly) in.

  • The Situation & Karina are gone, thank heavens. His Argentine tango last week was ghastly, and the small round stage (which I liked, but agreed kind of threw the contestants for a loop for the most part, and not in a very good way) only highlighted his lack of dancing skills & technique. Painful to watch (my mom, who I accidentally over-referenced in my tweets from that night because she was watching DWTS with me for the first time in quite a while, inexplicably liked his futuristic Week 3 'foxtrot,' but agreed Week 4 for him was crap), painful to listen to The Situation talk about afterwards, and the opposite of painful to see an elimination result from. :)
  • So what about everyone else? Jennifer & Derek really stood out last week. I really loved her routine, from the cool piano-plunking start (thought Len would call it "messing about," but thankfully he didn't), to the incredible footwork all throughout the dance. Her and Derek utilized the stage beautifully, and I have to admit even though I refrained from voting for Jennifer during Weeks 1-3, and I'm still firmly in the "don't crown her the winner yet, you fools!" camp, hers is the only routine I truly fell in love with, and can still remember, from last week. Y'alls better step up, other 8 people still in the competition...
  • Quick, like a bunny...Kurt was underscored, I thought; Brandy was excellent but not quite captivating and her routine wasn't quite all there; Rick's height didn't work well for him and the small stage, it was a bit clunky; Kyle was, as I said on Twitter that night, "kind of hit and miss"; Florence and Corky's rehearsal was one of the funniest I've ever seen, but the dance was perplexing and wacky; Bristol needs to step it up or she's going home incredibly soon (though I think she slightly improved Week 4 over Week 3); and Audrina's Argentine tango wasn't as impressive as her waltz.
  • Some results show comments (actually, just one): Florence + The Machine! Heck to the yes. :)
And that's a wrap! My recap for Week 5 to come tonight or tomorrow morning, I promise. For la DWTS!

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