Tuesday, March 30, 2010

DWTS Weeks 1 & 2, Part II: They're Still Standing??

Part II has arrived. No introductions needed, I would think. Let's boogie!

  • Nicole Scherzinger & Derek Hough (25 for Viennese waltz; 28 for jive): Well, I can definitely say I was surprised in this case. Nicole is DANG good at dancing. Her Viennese waltz last week was captivating, and I really loved it. That said...I'm not quite a fan of her, for two reasons... A) The four live shows she spent obnoxiously living in her own dream world as a 'judge' (Ha!) on "The Sing-Off" have not been forgotten...the woman's completely mad, and B) She needs dramatically more clothes and tact. Her jive last night was full of energy, content, and precision...but she wore next to nothing. I understand asking for modesty on "DWTS" is like asking for lactose-intolerant people to eat only cheese, but really...tone down the ho-ness, Nicole. I might like you a bit better for it.
  • Erin Andrews & Maksim Chmerkovskiy (21 for cha cha; 23 for foxtrot): (Good Lord, Maksim's name is hard to spell...still...) I didn't get the chance to catch Erin's rehearsal footage last week, but I thought her dance was a'ight. This week, I had the pleasure of watching her and Maks practice their foxtrot, and I've fallen under Erin's spell. She's a charmer, and her foxtrot (although she had the bad luck of being saddled with a decidedly un-foxtrot-y number, "Love Story") was rather delightful. She needs a bit more finesse in terms of technique, but I really like her and her dancing abilities. Hopefully she'll go far...and not become this season's Natalie Coughlin (the rapidly improving sporty girl who gets eliminated way too quickly...oh bother, I'm sensing a pattern with these...).
  • Pamela Anderson & Damian Whitewood (21 for cha cha; 22 for foxtrot): Oh, Pamela. What are we to do with you? She's both completely crazy and completely...awkward, but I have to admit, this week she proved she's more than just a run-of-the-mill scandal. Her cha cha last week was little more than (I quote Bruno for once here) "sex, sex, sex" (I kept expecting a stripper pole to appear at any time), but her foxtrot this week, while still leaving a lot wanting in the content and fluidity department, was surprisingly classy for a woman mainly known for posing nude in various magazines. (And her...oh, I won't even go there.) And her outfit last night was probably the longest dress she's ever worn in her life...and it looked mighty stylish. (I'm no fashion enthusiast, but it looked nice and actually covered...things... :) ) So she's making progress, I suppose. (Side note: Between Len's use of "titivating" and Bruno's "Oh, and the dancing was good too," I couldn't stop laughing my head off during the judges' critiques. It was very entertaining. :) )
  • Chad Ochocinco & Cheryl Burke (18 for cha cha; 16 for foxtrot): That Chad Ochocinco (used to be Chad Johnson, same name as my home ward bishop, for those of you well-versed in Mormon culture :) ) is a character. His cha cha last week was pretty promising and full of charm and personality, and his rehearsal footage this week was vastly entertaining. He gained himself a follower. That aside...his foxtrot was a bit wooden and Clyde Drexler/Master P-esque. It wasn't so good. Hopefully (yet another comparison to last season, sorry, folks) he's not going to follow the same trajectory of Michael Irvin...that of charming personality and great potential at the beginning, but landing with a thud afterwards. Viva la Ochocinco! (For once, one of my "Viva la ____!" was actually all Spanish! Sort of...)
  • Kate Gosselin & Tony Dovolani (16 for Viennese waltz; 15 for jive): Oops, I have to be really quick. Kate's rehearsal footage this week (what the "To Be Continued"???) was painful to watch. (I won't go into the nitty gritty, but it was way too drama-filled.) And her dancing is quite dismal/boring/wooden/please eliminate her this week, America. You made me endure the 'dancing' of Kathy Ireland last season for three dang weeks. So you owe me. :)
I hope Kate, Aiden, or Jake goes home this week. That is all. And once again...viva la DWTS!

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